Maltepe Üniversitesi | An Introduction to Embodied Psychotherapy- Theoretical Paradigm and Experiential Examples

An Introduction to Embodied Psychotherapy- Theoretical Paradigm and Experiential Examples

10.05.2022, 11:00
An Introduction to Embodied Psychotherapy- Theoretical Paradigm and Experiential Examples
Moderatör: Doç. Dr. Özden BADEMCİ
Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Frank Röhricht, MD FRCPsych – Consultant Psychiatrist& Medical Director East London NHS Foundation Trust/ Honorary Professor of Psychiatry Queen Marry University of London
Yer: Marma Hotel-Hantini Salonu
Düzenleyen: Maltepe Üniversitesi Sokakta Yaşayan ve Çalışan Çocuklar için Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (SOYAÇ)

Düşüncede Özgür, Eğitimde Çağdaş, Bilimde Evrensel