Vocational School

Department of Marketing and Advertising

In this age the rapidly renewing and developing face of enterprises needs to manage the competitive market well with a consumer focused approach. Therefore, in order to reach the requested structure the most important tools of these enterprises are public relations, advertising and brand promotion activities. Regarding our university’s giving importance to sector-academy cooperation, our vocational school makes curriculum planning in the name of responsing the necessities of business world.

The purpose of Public Relations and Publicity Associate Degree Program is to train professional employees  who have sufficient administrative skills and vocational education both theoraticaly and practically reinforced for the necessities of business world.

The associate degree program involves the public relations and publicity courses as communication, advertisement, marketing, brand management, media planning and social responsibility.

Through the implementation of the program, by the practical courses beside the theorical information, the dual participation of the students to education is provided within the issues of campaign preparation, media planning, advertising creation and management, text authorship, marketing and communication skills.

Head of Department


Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science